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Text File | 1997-05-25 | 73.6 KB | 2,039 lines |
- Dynamic-IP-Hacks Mini-HowTo Version 2.1.3
- Maintained by: Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- Featuring hacks from: Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- Ryan R. Klems <rklems@primenet.com>
- Matthew Driver <mdriver@cfmeu.asn.au>
- Matthew Nuckolls <mnuck@umr.edu>
- Justin Cragin <beyond@lightspeed.net>
- Brad Baker <bpb@mlb.cca.rockwell.com>
- Justin (Gus) Hurwitz <ghurwitz@dyndns.com>
- Jeremy D. Impson <jdimpson@camelot.syr.edu>
- Steve Przepiora <gearhead@dreamscape.com>
- Artur Skawina <skawina@usa.net>
- Dale Jolliff <taftbbs@e-tex.com>
- Created Mon Apr 22 16:24:33 PST 1996
- Last Updated Sun May 25 16:37:41 PDT 1997
- If you just want to see the hacks skip down to section 2.0.
- 0.0 Table of Contents
- 1.0 Legalities, Definitions, &c.
- 1.1 Where to get the latest version of this HowTo
- 1.2 Feedback
- 1.3 Why this HowTo?
- 1.4 What is dynamic IP addressing and why do I have to put up with it?
- 1.5 Can you help me set up {pppd,telnetd,sendmail,&c.}?
- 1.6 Hey, what about SLIP?
- 1.7 Copyright
- 1.8 A Warning
- 2.0 Intro to Hacks #1-#3
- 3.0 Hack #1: Keeping your system up and accessable 24/7 method #1
- by Steve Przepiora <gearhead@dreamscape.com>
- 3.1 What you'll need
- 3.2 ip-up and ip-down scripts
- 4.0 Hack #2: Keeping your system up and accessable 24/7 method #2
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- 4.1 What you'll need
- 4.2 Setting up keepalive.sh
- 4.2.1 Using diald instead of a crontab entry
- 5.0 Hack #3: Keeping your system up and accessable 24/7 method #3
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- 5.1 What you'll need
- 5.2 Fun with runlevels
- 6.0 Hack #4: IP publishing via mail
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- 6.1 Setting up your ip-up and ip-down
- 6.2 How to find out your new IP address from another computer
- 6.2.1 Telnetting to a POP3 server
- 7.0 Hack #5: Dynamically changing /etc/hosts
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- 7.1 What you'll need
- 7.2 Creating your template host files
- 7.3 More fun with ip-up and ip-down!
- 8.0 Hacks #6-8: Various hacks
- by Ryan R. Klems <rklems@primenet.com>
- 8.1 mail.c
- 8.2 pppdm.c
- 8.3 portmsg.c
- 9.0 Dynamic DNS entries
- 10.0 Hack #9: Updating your .plan
- by Matthew Nuckolls <mnuck@umr.edu>
- 11.0 Hack #10: A simple procmail recipe for finding your new IP
- by Justin Cragin <beyond@lightspeed.net>
- 12.0 Hack #11: Dynamic Home Page via ftp
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- 12.1 Why would I want to do this?
- 12.2 Setting up your page
- 12.2.1 A note on redirects
- by Artur Skawina <skawina@usa.net>
- 12.3 Using ncftp to automate page updates
- 12.3.1 ncftp versions 1.x.x
- 12.3.2 ncftp versions 2.x.x
- 12.4 A simple search and replace sed rule
- 13.0 Hack #12: Paging yourself with your new IP address
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- 13.1 The paging program
- 13.2 Calling it from ip-up
- 14.0 Hack #13: xterm logins through a firewall
- by Brad Baker <bpb@mlb.cca.rockwell.com>
- 15.0 Hack #14: Dynamic Home Page via cgi
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- 15.1 Overview of what we'll try to do
- 15.2 The script (dynip.pl)
- 15.3 Accessing the CGI when our link goes up
- 16.0 Hack #15: Suggestion for rc.*
- by Jeremy D. Impson <jdimpson@camelot.syr.edu>
- 17.0 Hack #16: Defeating local and ISP-imposed timeouts with ping
- by Artur Skawina <skawina@usa.net>
- 18.0 Hack #17: Using SSI's for dynamic IP publishing
- by Dale Jolliff <taftbbs@e-tex.com>
- Appendix A: We need more hacks!
- Appendix B: CREDITS
- ________
- 1.0 Legalities, Definitions, &c.
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- Section 1.1: Where to get the latest version of this HowTo
- The absolute latest version can always be found at
- <URL:http://frob.base.org/howto.txt>.
- The canonical place to get the HowTo is
- <URL:ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/docs/howto/mini/Dynamic-IP-Hacks>,
- though you should use a mirror of the LDP site if you know of any.
- Section 1.2: Feedback
- Feedback concerning this mini-HowTo should be addressed to Michael
- Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>.
- Section 1.3: Why this HowTo?
- The problem is, Linux just isn't as happy as it could be with dynamic IP
- addressing. It's the Unix equivalent of waking every morning to find
- that your postal address has changed and that all of your stationary is
- out of date. Unfortunately, ISP's are moving more and more towards this
- kind of addressing these days, and anyone who can't shell out more bucks
- for a stable IP address is just kinda stuck with this. The purpose of
- this HowTo, therefore, is to make your Linux box happier and more
- comfortable with dynamic IP addressing, which in turn should make you a
- bit happier and more comfortable.
- Section 1.4: What is dynamic IP addressing and why do I have to put up
- with it?
- An IP address is a set of four numbers, each from 0 to 255, and each
- separated by a dot. An example would be Each computer on
- the Internet has a unique IP address. The human-readable addresses that
- you probably use, like sunsite.unc.edu and bak2.lightspeed.net, are just
- semi-arbitrary names that are translated into their IP addresses by a
- DNS server whenever you try to access them.
- Dynamic IP addressing is something used by an ISP to cut down on the
- number of IP addresses that they need to "own". The way it works is,
- when you dial up your ISP, they simply give you the next IP number in
- their queue. This way, they don't need an IP address for every single
- customer they have, they just need one for every customer that might be
- online at any given time. Usually an ISP only has about a tenth as many
- IP addresses as it has customers, although this of course varies.
- Why do they do this? Well, the simple way of explaining it is to say
- that there just aren't enough IP addresses in the current scheme. The
- more complex answer is that we have plenty of addresses, it's just that
- as more and more of them are used, the routing tables used by the
- backbone routers start to look as fragmented as a ten year old MS-DOS
- filesystem :-) By using so many addresses, we lose efficiency in
- routing lookups. The current routing system is expected to blow up
- sometime between the years 2000 and 2010. Hopefully we'll all be
- switched over to IPv6 by then anyways, in which case we'll all get our
- own stable IP's anyways making this whole HowTo moot :-)
- Section 1.5: Can you help me set up {pppd,telnetd,sendmail,&c.}?
- No. Figure it out yourself. Builds character :-)
- Actually, it would be pretty pointless for me to reinvent the wheel by
- helping you set these up, as many documents already exist to help you
- out. Start by trying these:
- the pppd man page
- the chat man page
- the in.telnetd man page
- the inetd man page
- the NET-2-HOWTO
- (Available at HowTo sites such as
- <URL:ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/docs/howto>)
- the NAG
- (Network Administrator's Guide by Olaf Kirch,
- available at fine LDP sites everywhere, such as
- <URL:ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/docs/LDP>)
- Section 1.6: Hey, what about SLIP?
- To tell you the truth, I didn't write about it here because I don't know
- a thing about working with it.
- Luckily, this shouldn't be too much of a problem as PPP seems to be the
- emerging standard, especially for dynamic IP addressing.
- Sorry if you're that .3% out there that has dynamic IP addressing with
- SLIP, but maybe you can glean a bit out of this HowTo and make your own
- setup (if you do then be sure to see Appendix A to get your hack included
- in this HowTo!)
- Section 1.7: Copyright
- Unless otherwise stated, Linux HowTo documents are copyrighted by their
- respective authors. Linux HowTo documents may be reproduced and
- distributed in whole or in part, in any medium physical or electronic,
- as long as this copyright notice is retained on all copies. Commercial
- redistribution is allowed and encouraged; however, the author would like
- to be notified of any such distributions.
- All translations, derivative works, or aggregate works incorporating any
- Linux HowTo documents must be covered under this copyright notice. That
- is, you may not produce a derivative work from a HowTo and impose
- additional restrictions on its distribution. Exceptions to these rules
- may be granted under certain conditions; please contact the Linux HowTo
- coordinator at the address given below.
- In short, we wish to promote dissemination of this information through
- as many channels as possible. However, we do wish to retain copyright on
- the HowTo documents, and would like to be notified of any plans to
- redistribute the HowTos.
- If you have questions, please contact Greg Hankins, the Linux HowTo
- coordinator, at gregh@sunsite.unc.edu via email.
- Section 1.8: A Warning
- This should go without saying, but I should say it anyways to cover
- things.
- I'm not sure all of this is the canonical way to do things, and if
- something I've done is just too weird let me know how to fix it. There
- might be security risks in all of this, but I don't know of them yet.
- This works on my machine, and I don't think it'll break yours too badly
- :-) Either way, you should take care when doing this stuff and make
- sure you understand at least a bit about what this stuff is doing so you
- can fix it if it goes haywire.
- As the name implies, this document is about system *hacks*. Hacks, by
- definition, are a pretty weird way of setting up a system, though
- sometimes they may be the only way. Many times I could have made these
- hacks more elegant and crafty, at the cost of simplicity. I have not
- done this, however, because it is my intention that the person who sets
- these up on their own machine understand the hacks so that they can
- rebuild and recreate them to fit their own specific needs.
- Also, when reading this Howto keep in mind this quote from the DNS-HOWTO
- by Nicolai Langfeldt <janl@math.uio.nl>:
- In this document I state flatly a couple of things that are
- not completely true (they are at least half truths though).
- All in the interest of simplification. Things will probably
- work if you believe what I say.
- *****************************
- *The good stuff starts here!*
- *****************************
- ________
- 2.0 Intro to Hacks #1-#3
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- The first three hacks in this howto involve maintaining a constant PPP
- connection by restarting pppd when the link goes down. I thought up the
- second of these hacks back when I first ran Linux, but have since moved
- onto the third of the hacks, which is a lot more efficient (and,
- unfortunately, more difficult to set up). The first hack was not done
- by me, but by Steve Przepiora <gearhead@dreamscape.com>, and is actually
- better and more efficient than the second hack (which I thought up), and
- is still just as easy to set up.
- These three hacks work well with Hack #4, which will automatically put
- your IP number in an accessible place (your mail spool on your ISP's
- POP3 server) whenever your connection goes up. With these two hacks
- working together (automatic reconnect + IP publishing via mail) you
- can easily find the dynamic IP of your machine from anywhere on the
- network and be able to telnet, ftp, etc. to it.
- Methods #1 and #2 are the two that are easy to implement, since they
- are set up in 'recipe' form and all you have to do is follow directions
- and fill in the blanks. Method #3 is not in 'recipe' form, since it
- deals with runlevels and init which vary greatly from distribution to
- distribution and which can easily leave your computer in a screwed up
- state if they themselves are screwed up.
- So which method to use? I suggest #1, it is easy and rather efficient,
- or if you are a little more knowledgable, look at #3 to see if you can
- figure out how to implement it, since it is the most efficient. #2 is
- only there because it was the first one that I wrote, and is the only
- one "tested" so far in this HowTo (the other two are recent additions
- which should soon replace #2 altogether).
- If you don't like either three of the methods, write your own and send
- me a line, I'll probably include it if it is something usable by others.
- Anyways, we now continue with your regularly scheduled hacks:
- ________
- 3.0 Hack #1: Keeping your system up and accessible 24/7 method #1
- by Steve Przepiora <gearhead@dreamscape.com>
- Section 3.1: What you'll need
- A working PPP setup.
- Section 3.2: ip-up, ip-down, and other assorted scripts
- Well, here's how I do it;
- 1). Fire up vi and make a file called /etc/ppp/ppp-check.dat. Don't put
- anything in it just save it.
- 2). Put this at the top of /usr/sbin/ppp-on :
- echo on > /etc/ppp/ppp-check.dat
- this will put the word `on' in in /etc/ppp/ppp-check.dat
- 3). Put this in /usr/sbin/ppp-off:
- echo off > /etc/ppp/ppp-check.dat
- 4). Change the name of your /etc/ppp/ip-down file to
- /etc/ppp/ppp-off-final
- 5). Finally, save this script to /etc/ppp/ip-down:
- -----------------------------CUT HERE-------------------------------------
- #!/bin/sh
- export LOGGING="yes" ## Change this to no if you dont want to log it.
- export LOG_STRING=""
- export PPP_CHECK=""
- ##-----------------------Basic setup stuff--------------------------------
- PPP_CHECK=`cat /etc/ppp/ppp-check.dat`
- ##-------------------------PPP was disconnected log it----------------------
- if [ "$LOGGING" = "yes" ]
- then
- logger -i -p local0.notice -t ppp-check PPP- Disconnected
- fi
- ##-------------------------Now see how we were called---------------------
- if [ "$PPP_CHECK" = "off" ]
- then
- if [ "$LOGGING" = "yes" ]
- then
- logger -i -p local0.notice -t ppp-check PPP- Legal disconnect
- logger -i -p local0.notice -t ppp-check PPP- Turning off NET \
- subsystem
- /etc/ppp/ppp-off-final
- fi
- exit
- fi
- ##----------------------------------------------------------------------
- ## If were were just disconnected then redial
- if [ "$LOGGING" = "yes" ]
- then
- logger -i -p local0.notice -t ppp-check PPP- Illegal disconnect
- logger -i -p local0.notice -t ppp-check PPP- Attempting to reconnect
- fi
- /etc/ppp/ppp-off-final
- while test -e /var/run/ppp0.pid && test -e /var/lock/LCK..ttyS3
- do
- sleep 1
- done
- /usr/sbin/ppp-on
- ---------------------------------END------------------------------------
- Steps 2, and 3 will let the script figure out how the connection was
- brought down.
- ________
- 4.0 Hack #2: Keeping your system up and accessible 24/7 method #2
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- First see the notes about this hack in chapter 2.0.
- Section 4.1: What you'll need
- Not too much. A working PPP setup. A working cron.
- Section 4.2: Setting up keepalive.sh
- (note: This section can be probably be better with diald, see section 4.2.1)
- cron is a daemon that starts programs at specified times. You can look
- at your crontab by running "crontab -e". We'll be using crontab to run
- a shell program that will keep our PPP connection up.
- Run "crontab -e" as root and add this line:
- #*/2 * * * * /etc/ppp/keepalive.sh
- What this does is call the /etc/ppp/keepalive.sh script every two minutes.
- (The '#` comments out the entry so it won't start running the script until
- we are ready).
- Then put the following script named keepalive.sh in /etc/ppp:
- -------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #!/bin/sh
- if [ -f /var/run/ppp0.pid ] ; then
- ping -c8 -l3 <your nameserver> 2>&1 | grep "0 packets" > /dev/null && \
- { /usr/sbin/ppp-off > /dev/null 2>&1 ; sleep 2 ; /usr/sbin/pppd }
- else
- /usr/sbin/pppd
- fi
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Now type "chmod 700 /etc/ppp/keepalive.sh" as root to make it an executable
- script.
- /* Hint1: Check those paths! For pppd and ppp-off insert whatever it is
- * that you use to start/stop your connection.
- * Hint2: I use your ISP's DNS server because I figure that if that's
- * down, your net connection is screwed anyways :-)
- * Hint3: Be sure to use your DNS server's numeric IP address, otherwise
- * ping returns a different message and the "grep" won't work.
- */
- Now whenever you want your connection to stay up, you can just run
- crontab -e and take out that "#" to uncomment the entry...and when you
- want your connection to stay down, run crontab -e and put the "#" back
- in, then kill your connection with ppp-off or whatever it is that you
- use.
- Section 4.2.1: Using diald instead of a crontab entry
- by Divya Mahajan <vmahajan@giasdl01.vsnl.net.in>
- The crontab entry that we just made can also be done (and probably a lot
- more elegantly) by other programs, such as diald. This section
- demonstrates how to set up diald for this purpose, should you decide to
- take that route instead. I have left the crontab section in for
- reference and because it doesn't require an extra package, but you might
- want to try diald out instead.
- 1: Get the latest diald (should be somewhere near
- <URL:ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/system/Network/serial/>)
- 2: Compile the stuff. (Actually you could probably get a precompiled diald
- package too from the Slackware sites)
- 3: After you have installed diald, you must modify /etc/diald.conf
- Add the following lines to the end:
- > restrict 06:00 19:00 * * *
- > up
- (This would force the link to be up between 6am to 7pm everyday.
- If you want 24hrs + 7days remove the restrict.)
- > device /dev/modem
- (Use the correct device;)
- > dynamic
- > reroute
- > connect-timeout 120
- (Modify this if your dialer takes a longer or shorter time to connect
- to your ISP)
- > redial-timeout 10
- (Interval between 2 redials)
- > defaultroute
- > accounting-log /var/adm/diald.log
- (Keep track of how much time you are using)
- >connect /path_to_myscript
- (You must use a dialing script so add the above line. When diald
- calls this script both standard input and standard output are
- redirected to /dev/modem (or whatever you chose above) so ensure
- that your dialer script doesn't print any garbage. I personally use
- "/usr/sbin/dip mydipfile.dip >> /var/adm/dip.log 2>
- /var/adm/dip.err" which logs the dial attempts. Initially you may
- want to run dip with the -v option to debug the dip file, i.e #dip
- -v mydipfile.dip. Remember to put the line "mode ppp" after you
- have logged in and started your PPP services at the ISP (Use
- dip-3.3.7n-uri). Also store all PPP settings in /etc/ppp/options
- rather than relying on the commandline. Once your DIP file is
- debugged and ready, its time to roll. Start up diald
- /usr/sbin/diald, if everything went fine it should start dialing and
- connect you to the ISP. When PPP shutsdown due to modem HUP, diald
- will automatically retry. Once you are confident, just put
- /usr/sbin/diald into your /etc/rc.d/rc.local)
- Now you have a 24hr PPP.
- diald is also good for a lot of other things, like demand dialing per
- port, etc. Look at the diald homepage
- <URL:http://www.dna.lth.se/~erics/diald.html> for some examples.
- ________
- 5.0 Hack #3: Keeping your system up and accessable 24/7 method #3
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- First see the notes about this hack in Chapter 2.0.
- Here's the third method for keeping your PPP connection up, which
- is also the one I use. I wouldn't suggest trying it unless you
- actually understand everything that I say in here. If you don't
- understand some of it, here's some resources I'd suggest:
- man init
- man inittab
- Essential System Administration, by AEleen Frisch
- (not really necessary, but good for comprehensive knowledge on things
- like runlevels. I suppose any resource which included a discussion
- on runlevels would be fine.)
- Section 5.1: What you'll need
- A working PPP setup. A working 'init' (I'm pretty sure you have this,
- since it is the program which starts all user processes under Unix).
- Section 5.2: Fun with runlevels
- Here's how I set this one up. First, I overhauled my inittab and
- rc scripts. I really hadn't messed with these much since I had
- last installed Slackware 3.0, so they looked like the following:
- 0) Halt
- 1) Some kind of broken single-user setup
- 2) Empty
- 3) Empty
- 4) xdm (X)
- 5) Normal multi-user (default runlevel)
- 6) Reboot
- I cleaned these out and redid them, so that they were like the following:
- 0) Halt
- 1) Initiate single-user mode
- 2) Normal multi-user # These two will be explained later
- 3) Normal multi-user (default runlevel)
- 4) Empty
- 5) Empty
- 6) Reboot
- Then I put the following line in /etc/inittab:
- pu:3:respawn:/usr/sbin/pppd -detach
- What this does is respawn pppd when my system is in runlevel 3, thus
- keeping my connection redialing when it dies, and kill the connection
- when I change the runlevel to 2. Then when I want my connection back,
- I change the runlevel back to 3 and it is in redial mode again.
- The -detach on the respawn line keeps pppd from going to background, and
- making init think it died (otherwise init will restart pppd a dozen times
- and puke).
- For those interested in my exact setup, I have tarred my /etc/inittab and
- /etc/rc.d/* and put them on my web site as
- <URL:http://frob.base.org/rc.tar.gz>.
- ________
- 6.0 Hack #4: IP Publishing via mail
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- This hack works very well with the previous scripts, because it
- automatically publishes your IP when it changes so that you can
- find the new address of your machine from anywhere else on the
- network after your connection has dropped and restarted.
- Other hacks which can accomplish this same thing (automatic IP
- publishing) using different means are #6, #8, #9, #10, #11, #12,
- and #14 (almost half of them, come to think of it :-).
- Section 6.1: What you will need
- Just a working PPP setup, really. This hack works well with the
- automated PPP connection hacks discussed earlier, because it lets you
- easily find your machine again after it has automatically reconnected
- and had an address change.
- Section 6.2: Setting up your ip-up and ip-down
- This hack makes your new IP address available to you from practically
- any machine on the net. To achieve this we use the two scripts
- /etc/ppp/ip-up and /etc/ppp/ip-down, which are automatically called by
- pppd when your connection goes up or down, respectively.
- Create a file (if it doesn't already exist) as root called
- /etc/ppp/ip-up. Put this in it:
- #!/bin/sh
- # $4 is our new ip address passed by pppd
- # /var/run/add will hold our address
- echo $4 > /var/run/add
- # mail our address to our ISP's mail server, with the subject "new ip
- # address"
- mail -s "New IP address" yourname@your_internet_address < /var/run/add
- Then create /etc/ppp/ip-down and put this in it:
- #!/bin/sh
- rm /var/run/add
- Then run "chmod 700 /etc/ppp/ip-up /etc/ppp/ip-down" to make them
- executable.
- Voila! Now every time pppd is started your address will be mailed to
- your ISP's mail server. We retreive it in the next section.
- Section 6.3: How to find out your new IP address from another computer
- Well, this calls for some resourcefulness on your part. I really can't
- walk you through it, as it depends on which kind of machine you're
- trying to get it from. In Windows, you can try to set up an email
- program to retrieve mail from your ISP's mail server, and if you're in
- Unix see if there's a program called "popclient", or "fetchmail", or
- somesuch. If all else fails, you can always use telnet (see the next
- section).
- Section 6.3.1: Telnetting to a POP3 server
- This is how I retrieve my IP address, as I am usually showing off when I
- do all of this anyways, and it really impresses all of the GUI users I
- show it to :-) Hopefully your ISP uses a POP3 server for mail (most
- likely), otherwise you'll just have to figure this out yourself by
- looking up the RFC for the protocol you need and figure out how to do it
- by telnet.
- Anyways, first you want to telnet to port 110 of your ISP's mail server.
- In Unix you do this with "telnet your.mail.server.net 110", on VAX/VMS
- you might need to do "telnet your.mail.server.net/port=110", and in a
- Web browser you should use "telnet://your.mail.server.net:110".
- Hopefully you can figure it out.
- Once you are connected, you should see something like this:
- >Connected to new-ls.lightspeed.net.
- >Escape character is '^]'.
- >+OK QUALCOMM Pop server derived from UCB (version 2.1.4-R3) at
- >new-ls.lightspeed.net starting.
- type "user your_username" to login.
- >+OK Password required for fenris.
- now type "pass your_password"
- >+OK fenris has 2 message(s) (3030 octets).
- type "list" to look at a list of your messages.
- >+OK 2 messages (3030 octets)
- >1 2400
- >2 630
- >.
- See that message with size 630? That's my IP address! How do I know?
- Because it's always that size :-)
- Now type "retr message_number" to retrieve the message you want.
- >+OK 630 octets
- >Received: from ulfheim.lightspeed.net (avatar@bak2-pp-ls.lightspeed.net
- >[]) by new-ls.lightspeed.net (8.6.12/8.6.12) with ESMTP id
- >TAA12048 for <fenris@lightspeed.net>; Mon, 22 Apr 1996 19:15:37 -0700
- >Received: (from avatar@localhost) by ulfheim.lightspeed.net (8.7/8.6.9)
- >TAA00594 for fenris@lightspeed.net; Mon, 22 Apr 1996 19:15:29
- >Date: Mon, 22 Apr 1996 19:15:29 -0700
- >From: Deus In Machina <avatar@ulfheim.lightspeed.net>
- >Message-Id: <199604230215.TAA00594@ulfheim.lightspeed.net>
- >To: fenris@lightspeed.net
- >Subject: New IP address
- >
- >
- >
- >.
- And there it is! Use "dele message_number" to get rid of it or just
- "quit" to leave it there and quit. Now just telnet to your machine at
- that address and have fun!
- If any of this is just not working for you, then check out RFC 1225,
- which describes the POP3 protocol in full detail.
- By the way, if this part of the hack doesn't work for you because you
- have cron automatically downloading your mail, then check out hack #10
- which uses procmail to send your new IP address to any email address you
- want upon request.
- ________
- 7.0 Hack #5: Dynamically changing /etc/hosts
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- As I said before, Linux isn't completely happy with dynamic IP
- addressing. For example, sometimes talkd won't work with kludgy values
- in /etc/hosts. However, the following hack makes up for a lot of that
- by changing /etc/hosts according to the IP address we receive when we
- call up our ISP.
- For me this fixed problems with "hostname" and "ntalk".
- Section 7.1: What you'll need.
- Nothing but a working PPP setup, really.
- This hack is really very easy, all you have to do is read the directions
- and fill in the blanks.
- Section 7.2: Creating your template host files
- ***NOTE*** First, make a backup of /etc/hosts, just in case this
- ***NOTE*** screws up anything. Just "cp /etc/hosts /etc/hosts.backup"
- First we'll make our template host files. The first file will be named
- /etc/hosts-down and will contain the following line:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- myhostname.mydomain.net localhost myhostname
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Substitute *your* hostname and domain names in for these values.
- This hosts file will be the one used when your PPP connection is
- down.
- The second file will be named /etc/hosts-up and will contain at least
- the following lines:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- localhost
- --IP-- myhostname.mydomain.net myhostname
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Do the substitutions for "myhostname", "mydomain", etc as before (but
- do not put anything in for the value "--IP--", that word is an anchor
- that we will use in our script to substitute in a new IP address every
- time it changes. If you have no idea what I just said, don't worry, just
- know that you *are* supposed to leave that word "--IP--" in there).
- You can build a bigger /etc/hosts-up file if you want, that can contain
- the IP addresses of frequently accessed machines and any nicknames that
- you might want to use for them. For example, my /etc/hosts-up looks like
- this:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- localhost
- --IP-- ulfheim.lightspeed.net ulfheim
- ultrix6.cs.csubak.edu ultrix ultrix6
- linux.cs.helsinki.fi linux
- sunsite.unc.edu sunsite
- academic.csubak.edu academic
- nic.funet.fi ftp.funet.fi funet
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Section 7.3: More fun with ip-up and ip-down
- Add the following lines to /etc/ppp/ip-up:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- cat /etc/hosts-up | sed -e s/--IP--/$4/g > /etc/hosts
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This puts the hosts-up file through a sed script which substitutes
- the word '--IP--' with $4, the variable which contains our
- new IP address.
- Then add the following line to /etc/ppp/ip-down:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- cp /etc/hosts-down /etc/hosts
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This copies the hosts-down template to /etc/hosts.
- ________
- 8.0 Hacks #6-8: Various hacks
- intro written by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- code straight from Ryan R. Klems <rklems@primenet.com>
- Here's some C code sent to me from Ryan R. Klems <rklems@primenet.com>.
- There are three programs, the first, mail.c, is a CGI that scans
- through your mail spool for your new IP address as set up by Hack #1.
- It then uses the IP address to set up a page containing a link to this
- IP address.
- The second, pppdm.c, can probably take the place of hack #1, as it looks
- for a PPP connection, restarts pppd if it is down, and mails your new ip
- address to your ISP's mailserver.
- The third, portmsg.c, sits on a specified port and waits for a telnet
- connection. Upon connection, it will pull grep your mail spool for your
- newest IP and output a message containing that.
- These sources will need a bit of customization, so you probably
- shouldn't mess with them unless you know what they are doing.
- Oh yes, and Ryan has written to tell me that he wouldn't mind helping
- you set up the code to meet your needs, as long as you ask nicely :-)
- Section 8.1: mail.c
- /*
- * mail.c written by Ryan R. Klems (rklems@primenet.com)
- * Copyright 1996, Author releases this source freely, allowing
- * copying and modification, so long as the original copyright notice
- * is maintained.
- *
- * I request that if you use this file you mail me... Thats all I ask =)
- *
- * A CGI for reading through your mailfile and finding an IP
- * address that you had your computer mail to you.
- *
- * Compiling:
- * gcc mail.c -o mail.cgi
- *
- * Make sure to 'chmod +s mail.cgi' afterwards...must run with set uid
- * bit on to be able to open the mail file.
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #define MAILFILE "/var/mail/rklems" /* your mailfile */
- main(void)
- {
- FILE *mail; /* file pointer for mail file */
- char bob[80], location[80];
- printf("Content-type: text/html\n\n");
- printf("<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>IP Address</TITLE></HEAD>\n");
- printf("<BODY><BASEFONT SIZE=4>\n");
- printf("<H1>IP Address</H1>\n");
- strcpy(bob, "42.**");
- if((mail = fopen(MAILFILE, "r")) == NULL)
- printf("Mail file is empty or does not exist.\n");
- else
- {
- /*
- * loop continues till end of file because you want most recent IP
- * 198.68. is the domain of my ISP, change to yours...
- */
- while(!feof(mail)) /* until reaching EOF, do this */
- {
- fgets(location, 80, mail); /* Grab a line, from mail */
- sscanf(location, "198.68.%s", bob); /* look for domain */
- }
- strcpy(location, "198.68.");
- strcat(location, bob);
- printf("The IP Address of your computer is: %s\n", location);
- }
- printf("</BODY></HTML>\n");
- }
- Section 8.2: pppdm.c
- /*
- * pppdm.c created by Ryan R. Klems (rklems@primenet.com)
- * Released freely by the author to use/modify/copy/reditribute
- * My only request is that if you use it...mail me and let me know =)
- *
- * This program keeps your link dialed up to an ISP and mails you
- * the newest IP address. Useful for people with Dynamically allocated
- * IP addresses
- * uses the following files...
- * /root/ip : Outputs the IP to this file
- * /root/log : If logging is defined
- * /root/pppchat : The chat file set up for chat.
- * My chat file looks like:
- * "" ATDT7917777 CONNECT "" "ogin:" "rklems" "assword:" "<password>"
- * <password> is YOUR password of course (like I'm gonna give you mine ;)
- * *NOTE* for silent dialing do ATMDT
- *
- * Compiling...
- * gcc pppdm.c -o pdm
- * *NOTE* Don't call it anything like pppdm b/c it looks for pppd
- * might accidentally kill itself off ;)
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #include <signal.h>
- #include <time.h>
- #define DOLOG
- void main(void)
- {
- FILE *fin, /* multiuse file pointer */
- *popen(); /* proto of popen() */
- #ifdef DOLOG
- FILE *log; /* log file pointer */
- #endif
- char line[80], /* a line of a file */
- bah[80], /* just stuff, also used for holding IP addr */
- crap[80], /* just stuff */
- bob; /* single char placeholder, not used for anything */
- int j, /* flag for if a link was found */
- k, /* flag for if this is a new link */
- pid; /* pid of pppd process to kill off */
- #ifdef DOLOG
- time_t now; /* thing for time logging */
- #endif
- for(;;) /* Loop forever... */
- {
- /* look at ifconfig for IP addr */
- if ((fin = popen("ifconfig", "r")) != NULL)
- while(fgets(line, 80, fin) != NULL)
- if(sscanf(line, "ppp0 %s", bah))
- {
- fgets(line, 80, fin);
- sscanf(line, " inet addr:%15s", bah);
- j=1;
- }
- fclose(fin);
- if (!j) /* no link */
- {
- if((fin = popen("ps -a -x", "r")) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "PPPdm error: cannot open file.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* scan through processes & kill off any zombie pppd processes */
- while(fgets(line, 80, fin) != NULL)
- if (sscanf(line, "%d ? %c %4s pppd%s", &pid, &bob, crap, bah) == 4)
- kill(pid, SIGKILL);
- fclose(fin);
- k=0; /* new dial attempt */
- system("pppd connect 'chat -v -f /root/pppchat'"); /* try again */
- #ifdef DOLOG
- now = time(NULL);
- if ((log = fopen("/root/log", "a")) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error in opening log file.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- fprintf(log, "Initiating ppp-link. %s\n", ctime(&now));
- fclose(log);
- #endif
- sleep(60); /* wait 1 min and check again */
- }
- if(j && !k) /* first time with new address */
- {
- if ((fin = fopen("/root/ip", "w")) == NULL)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error in opening output file.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- fprintf(fin, "%s\n", bah); /* write out addr */
- fclose(fin);
- /* mail it to yourself */
- system("mail -s IP joker@your.moma.com < /root/ip");
- k=1;
- }
- else /* take a nap and check again when we wake up */
- {
- j = 0;
- sleep(300); /* wait 5 minutes to check again */
- }
- }
- }
- Section 8.3: portmsg.c
- /*
- * Portmsg.c written by Ryan R. Klems (rklems@primenet.com)
- * Copyright 1996, Author releases this source freely, allowing
- * copying and modification, so long as the original copyright notice
- * is maintained.
- *
- * I request that if you use this program that you mail me. Thats
- * all I ask.
- *
- * This program sets up a port on a server to accept telnets. Upon
- * accepting a telnet, the program outputs a message, and then closes
- * the connection.
- *
- * address of message would be xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx yyyy where the x's
- * s the IP number or IP name, and yyyy is the port number set up
- * within this program.
- *
- * Compiling instructions:
- * Linux : gcc portmsg_gen.c -o <your_file_name>
- * SunOS : gcc portmsg_gen.c -lsocket -lnsl -o <your_file_name>
- * ***Note***
- * I don't have access to any other operating systems, so if you
- * compile this program on an OS I don't have listed, and use
- * compiler options I didn't mention...please email me =)
- */
- #include <stdlib.h>
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <sys/types.h>
- #include <sys/socket.h>
- #include <sys/uio.h>
- #include <errno.h>
- #include <netinet/in.h>
- #include <strings.h>
- #include <netdb.h>
- #include <unistd.h>
- #define HOSTNAME "ares" /* hostname of computer */
- #define PORT 3000 /* tcp port to bind to */
- /* #define GETHOSTNAME */ /* uncomment if your server has gethostname() */
- void get_location(void); /* proto of my mail reading function */
- char location[80]; /* The IP address */
- void main(void)
- {
- struct in_addr host_ip_number;
- struct sockaddr_in host_ip_addr;
- struct sockaddr_in addr;
- char host_name[100];
- struct hostent *hp;
- int s, new_sock;
- int tmp, length;
- /*
- * The server I wrote this for doesn't have gethostname()
- * so, I put in a little fix...
- */
- gethostname(host_name, sizeof(host_name));
- #else
- strcpy(host_name, HOSTNAME);
- #endif
- hp = gethostbyname(host_name);
- bzero((char *)&host_ip_addr, sizeof(host_ip_addr));
- memcpy((char *)&host_ip_addr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length);
- host_ip_addr.sin_family = hp->h_addrtype;
- host_ip_number = host_ip_addr.sin_addr;
- host_ip_addr.sin_port = htons(PORT);
- host_ip_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY;
- /* open a socket s */
- s = socket(host_ip_addr.sin_family, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
- if ((int)s==-1)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error in opening socket.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- tmp = 1;
- if(setsockopt(s, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&tmp, sizeof(tmp))<0)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error in setsockopt.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- /* bind the socket to the server */
- if (bind(s, (struct sockaddr *)&host_ip_addr, sizeof(host_ip_addr)) == -1)
- {
- if(errno == EADDRINUSE)
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Socket already bound!\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- else
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Other error binding socket.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- }
- /* tell the server to listen to the port */
- if (listen(s, 1) == -1)
- /* 1 is the maximum size of the connection queue */
- {
- fprintf(stderr, "Error in listen.\n");
- exit(1);
- }
- while(1) /* just keep looping */
- {
- length = sizeof(addr);
- /*
- * port has been opened with socket(), bound with bind(), and set
- * active with listen(), now accept() watches the port for
- * connections, it will wait here until it has one...
- * new_sock is the file descriptor for the new socket
- */
- new_sock = accept(s, (struct sockaddr *)&addr, &length);
- /*
- * The function get_location() and the send()'s are what I did to
- * suit my particular needs. Put your own messages in here...
- */
- get_location();
- /* send just sends a string foo of length strlen(foo) with flags */
- send(new_sock, "Location:\n", 11, 0);
- send(new_sock, location, strlen(location), 0);
- close(new_sock); /* Close connection after message printed */
- }
- }
- void get_location(void)
- {
- FILE *mail; /* file pointer for mail file */
- char a[80]; /* char array for holding ip addr */
- /*
- * FYI, this just opens my mail file, looks for a line with
- * 198.68.(the domain of my ISP), takes the last part, puts
- * the 198.68. in location, then cats the rest on the end
- */
- strcpy(a, "42.**");
- /* open /var/mail/ryan for read, and check to see there is a file */
- if((mail = fopen("/var/mail/ryan", "r")) == NULL)
- {
- strcpy(location, "Error in obtaining information.\n");
- return;
- }
- else
- {
- while(!feof(mail)) /* until reaching EOF, do this */
- {
- fgets(location, 80, mail); /* Grab a line, from mail */
- sscanf(location, "198.68.%s", a); /* look for domain */
- }
- strcpy(location, "198.68.");
- strcat(location, a);
- /* loops continues till end of file because I want most recent IP */
- }
- }
- ________
- 9.0 Dynamic DNS entries
- If you're interested in setting up a hack involving Dynamic DNS
- entries (DNS entries that change to point to your computer when
- its IP address changes) then you might want to check out these
- URLs:
- 1) <URL:http://www.cfmeu.asn.au/matthew/virtualip.html>
- Check it out, Matthew got it working and is asking for other people to
- try it to iron out the fine details. The hack involves already having
- control of a DNS at a static IP.
- 2) <URL:ftp://ietf.org/internet-drafts/draft-ietf-dnsind-dynDNS-11.txt>
- The IETF is the Internet Engineering Task Force, the people who
- basically lay out the future protocols and systems to be used by the
- Internet. This URL is the IETF's draft for dynamic DNS and should be
- read by anyone who might be thinking of attempting something in this
- direction.
- For those who don't {want to,cant} mess with the details, but just want
- a dynamic name set up without the fuss, check out DynDNS.com. Quite a
- few people have mailed me regarding their happiness with their service,
- so you might want to check it out. Their site is at
- <URL:http://www.dyndns.com/>, and you can e-mail Gus Hurwitz
- <info@dyndns.com> for more details. Another service that has just come
- to my attention is dynip.com, which you can check out at
- <URL:http://www.dynip.com/>.
- [From Artur Skawina <skawina@usa.net>]:
- Another dynamic DNS project exist at <URL:http://www.ml.org/>. It has
- been operational since january 1997; while it is still in beta tests, it
- works quite well.
- It's very easy to use: you only have to register a hostname once,
- then you can run a special "client" every time your IP changes (There
- exists several linux clients, eg.
- <URL:http://skawina.home.ml.org/mlddc.html>). For more details on this
- service go to <URL:http://www.ml.org/dyndns/>.
- [Editors note: If you do use the services of ml.org, please consider
- making a donation to them in order to help pay them back for the blood,
- sweat, and tears that they've poured into these projects. After all,
- they're still a garage-based organization that do things for the
- internet community that the InterNIC would normally charge $100 a pop
- for -- MCD]
- ________
- 10.0 Hack #9: Updating your .plan
- by Matthew Nuckolls <mnuck@umr.edu>
- This pair of scripts allows one to put their current IP number in their
- .plan file on a remote server. I use it so friends and family can see if
- I'm dialed in, and where to send ytalk requests to.
- Put something like
- /etc/ppp/putip "None, the link is down"
- as the first line in your ppp-off script.
- You need a valid $HOME/.netrc file for putip to work. mine looks like:
- machine rocket
- login mnuck
- password <mypassword>
- and is chmod 600
- -Matthew Nuckolls
- mnuck@umr.edu
- ip-up:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # make sure this is chmod 711, since your password is stored in the clear
- PLANLOC = /home/mnuck/.plan
- REMOTE_PLANLOC = /afs/umr.edu/users/mnuck/pub/.plan
- REMOTE_SERVER = rocket
- echo "My dynamic IP is: " $4 > /tmp/ip.myip
- cat $PLANLOC /tmp/ip.myip > /tmp/plan
- echo $REMOTE_USER_NAME > /tmp/ip.script
- echo $REMOTE_PASSWORD >> /tmp/ip.script
- echo "put /tmp/plan" $REMOTE_PLANLOC >> /tmp/ip.script
- echo "quit" >> /tmp/ip.script
- ftp $REMOTE_SERVER < /tmp/ip.script &> /dev/null
- rm -f /tmp/ip.myip
- rm -f /tmp/ip.script
- rm -f /tmp/plan
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end ip-up
- putip:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- #!/bin/sh
- #
- # This script relies on a vaild .netrc file
- # -see ftp man page for details
- PLANLOC = /home/mnuck/.plan
- REMOTE_PLANLOC = /afs/umr.edu/users/mnuck/pub/.plan
- REMOTE_SERVER = rocket
- echo "My dynamic IP is: " $1 > /tmp/ip.myip
- cat $PLANLOC /tmp/ip.myip > /tmp/plan
- echo "put /tmp/plan" $REMOTE_PLANLOC > /tmp/ip.script
- echo "quit" >> /tmp/ip.script
- ftp $REMOTE_SERVER < /tmp/ip.script &> /dev/null
- rm -f /tmp/ip.myip
- rm -f /tmp/ip.script
- rm -f /tmp/plan
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- end putip
- ________
- 11.0 Hack #10: A simple procmail recipe for finding your new IP
- by Justin Cragin <beyond@lightspeed.net>
- written by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- Here's an easy one, assuming you already have procmail set up. This
- hack requires that you have a spare shell/email account somewhere on the
- internet where you can temporarily stick an email and is useful when
- you can't use the mailing trick in hack four to get your new IP address
- because you have a cron job regularly downloading your mail.
- host.bogus.net will be the name of the machine where you have the
- shell account to mail your new IP address to.
- In your .procmailrc, simply add the following recipe:
- :0:
- * ^Subject:.*sendmeip
- |mail -s "Your new IP" other.mail.address@host.bogus.net < /var/run/add
- For the email address use a shell account whose mail is not being
- regularly downloaded by a cronjob to your local machine (what, doesn't
- anybody else collect shell accounts? I only have five so far ;)
- /var/run/add is of course the file containing your IP address that we
- set up in hack one. If you haven't done that hack, then do something
- like the following in /etc/ppp/ip-up:
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- echo $4 > /var/run/add
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Now to use this, just mail your normal mail account from any place on
- the 'net with a subject containing the word "sendmeip", and then telnet
- to the shell account and wait for the cronjob on your machine at home to
- download that mail and automatically send you a reply to the shell
- account with your new IP in it!
- Was that too complex? Lemme know if I should be clearer on that bit.
- ________
- 12.0 Hack #11: Dynamic Home Page via ftp
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- This is a simple and easy hack for putting your new IP address on a
- home page on your ISP's http server. It requires:
- o ncftp (though you could kludge up a script that could use normal ftp)
- o ftp access to your IPS's web server.
- You can see this hack in action at <URL:http://frob.base.org/>.
- (I also have scripts from <shadow@indirect.com> for another hack that
- accomplishes the same thing that this does, though they use normal ftp
- and are more complex. You can find these scripts at my home page, as
- <URL:http://frob.base.org/contrib.tar.gz>).
- Note: an alternative to this hack (using CGI) is present in hack #14.
- It is useful for those without ftp access to their ISP's http servers.
- Section 12.1: Why would I want to do this?
- 1: Because it's a neat hack.
- 2: So that all of your friends and family can easily find your new IP
- address (Ok, maybe that's not a good thing :-)
- 3: So that you can run your own httpd, with your own CGI's (Merely put
- an http:// pointer to your new IP address which will access your
- own httpd)
- 4: When have we needed a reason to do something?
- Section 12.2: Setting up your page
- First, you're going to want to write up some HTML to go onto the pointer
- page. It is beyond the scope of this HowTo to teach you HTML, so you'll
- have to learn that bit yourself. Try some sites like
- <URL:http://w3.org> and <URL:http://hoohoo.ncsa.uiuc.edu>, they have
- good HTML primers online. However, when you write the page, in place of
- the address in any pointers to your machine instead put a recognizable
- anchor (I will use the word '--IP--' in this example) so that we can use
- a script to replace that anchor with our IP address. For example, a
- simple template page would look like this:
- <HTML>
- <HEAD>
- <TITLE>This is Mike Driscoll's Dynamic IP Dynamic Home Page</TITLE>
- </HEAD>
- <BODY>
- <P>Last known IP of ulfheim.lightspeed.net:
- <P><a href=telnet://--IP-->--IP--</a>
- </BODY>
- </HTML>
- Notice that the href and the link name use '--IP--', which the script
- will fill in with our IP address before it uploads the page to the
- server.
- For this example, I'll assume that you've named this template page
- /etc/ppp/index.html.
- Section 12.2.1: A note on redirects
- by Artur Skawina <skawina@usa.net>
- Instead of only uploading a page with the current IP it's possible to
- upload a page that will directly transfer anybody who loads it into
- their browser to your dynamic host (eg. add a tag like this one to the
- HEAD section of the page:
- <META HTTP-EQUIV="refresh" CONTENT="3; URL=http://--IP--/page"> )
- Section 12.3: Using ncftp to automate page updates.
- Before we do this part we'll have to figure out which version of ncftp
- you are running. To do this, just start ncftp.
- Here are two examples:
- fenris@ulfheim:~$ ncftp
- 1.9.5 (October 29, 1995)
- ncftp>_
- mdriscol@ultrix6:/usr/stu/mdriscol$ ncftp
- NcFTP 2.0.5 (May 1, 1995), by Mike Gleason, NCEMRSoft.
- NcFTP> _
- Depending on the version number listed when you start ncftp, we will
- do this section in one of two ways. If the version number is 1.x.x
- (ie. mine is 1.9.5), then use the first method, if the version number
- is 2.x.x (ie. the one in my ultrix account at school is 2.0.5) then
- use the second method.
- Section 12.3.1: ncftp 1.x.x
- Now we'll add some stuff to root's .ncftprc. In mine, I have the
- following:
- ----------
- #set auto-binary on
- #set recent-list off
- machine your.isp's.web.server
- user yourusername
- password yourpassword
- macdef init
- cd /to/your/home/directory
- put /tmp/index.html index.html
- quit
- ----------
- The auto-binary insures that we'll be in binary mode, the recent-list
- bit stops a .ncrecent file from being created (I just don't like them,
- you can have one if you want), and the machine entry defines my
- password, username, and default actions (you might not need the cd bit,
- at least I don't, since when I ftp to my ISP's server it automatically
- puts me in the right directory).
- Section 12.3.2: ncftp 2.x.x
- by Tomas Jamate <tvj@miser.umass.edu>
- [Editors note: I changed Tomas's script a bit before including it in
- in the HowTo, if I broke it please tell me! -- MCD]
- Here's the setup files I used for getting ncftp v2.x.x to work with
- Hack #8. Note that ncftp ver 2.x.x keeps all setup files under ~/.ncftp.
- I make no guaruntees, but this setup works for me. Look at the man
- pages if you want to use other options for ncftp.
- First manually connect to your web service provider using ncftp.
- $ ncftp -u service.provider.com
- The -u means force prompt for user name and password. Once connected cd
- into your web directory. This creates a bookmark entry for
- service.provider.com. (I'm not crazy about the bookmark setup, but hey,
- it works). Exit ncftp.
- Edit ~/.ncftp/bookmarks. You'll see the site entry with your username,
- you need to put your password right after the username. It should look
- something like this:
- NcFTP bookmark-file version: 6
- Number of entries: 1
- service,service.provider.com,Username,Password,,/dir/of/your/web/page,[etc]
- Now create and edit ~/.ncftp/macros, It should look like this:
- macro .open.example
- put /tmp/index.html index.html
- exit
- end
- Now you can automatically upload the index.html with:
- "ncftp -L example" -L means go to line mode style
- -or-
- "ncftp -Lf example" -the -f means force overwrite of existing
- file, for the paranoid ;-)
- Section 12.4: A simple search and replace sed rule
- Now we write the sed rule. Just put the following in
- /etc/ppp/ip-up:
- # Begin dynamic IP stuff
- if [ -e /tmp/index.html ]; then
- mv /tmp/index.html /tmp/index.html-`date +%s`
- fi
- cat /etc/ppp/index.html | sed -e s/--IP--/$4/g > /tmp/index.html
- ncftp your.isps.web.server >/dev/null 2>&1
- First we check for pre-existance of /tmp/index.html. A cracker could
- be trying to exploit our usage of this to wipe out any file he pleases
- in the filesystem by linking /tmp/index.html to it and waiting until
- the script is run. If it already exists, the file is harmlessly moved
- out of the way until you look at it, foiling any nefarious plans.
- Then we run our sed script. This substitutes all occurances of our
- anchor string '--IP--' with our new IP address and dumps the new
- index.html in /tmp. ncftp is then run to upload the new /tmp/index.html
- which has the current IP address in it.
- Congratulations, it's done, you now have a dynamic home page that you
- can use to point to your home machine! Have fun customizing it! Just
- edit /etc/ppp/index.html, and it should be updated the next time you
- dial up your ISP with pppd.
- ________
- 13.0 Hack #12: Paging yourself with your new IP address
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- Here's a neat hack that I don't know anyone will use. It involves using
- a modem-dialing program to page oneself with one's new IP address. It
- requires:
- o modem (speed doesn't matter since we're just going to use it to dial
- [aren't you glad you kept your 300bps modem? :-) ])
- o extra phone line (doesn't need to be dedicated to this, as hopefully
- you have a modem that will gracefully give up if a voice call is
- already in progress (I guess that's something you should check, some
- modems are rather brutal about this)).
- o An ordinary numeric pager
- o A dialing program
- Section 13.1: The paging program
- For this hack you will need some program that has the ability to dial a
- modem from the command line. For the following examples, I will use the
- program 'modem-stats' by Kenneth J. Hendrickson <kjh@usc.edu>, which can
- be found at
- <URL:ftp://sunsite.unc.edu/pub/Linux/apps/comm/modem-stats.tar.gz>.
- I imagine that other dialing programs can easily be adapted to this
- examples.
- Section 13.2: Calling it from ip-up
- We will put the following lines in /etc/ppp/ip-up:
- #Separate $4 (IP address) into four parts
- part1=`echo $4 | cut -f1 -d.`
- part2=`echo $4 | cut -f2 -d.`
- part3=`echo $4 | cut -f3 -d.`
- part4=`echo $4 | cut -f4 -d.`
- #Run dialing program
- /usr/sbin/modem-stats -c 'atz' /dev/cua2
- /usr/sbin/modem-stats -c 'ats7=15' /dev/cua2
- /usr/sbin/modem-stats \
- -c 'atdt6384658,,,'${part1}'*'${part2}'*'${part3}'*'${part4} /dev/cua2
- Explanations:
- The atz resets the modem to sane defaults, the ats7=15 sets the time to
- wait for a carrier, the ','s are pauses, and the '*'s are used to
- signify dashes (at least they do on my pager, hopefully they will on
- yours).
- Oh yes, and you might have better results if you put your own pager
- number in place of 638-4658, as that is my pager number :-) Also,
- replace /dev/cua2 with the device name for your modem.
- Congratulations. You're done!
- ________
- 14.0 Hack #13: xterm logins through a firewall
- by Brad Baker <bpb@mlb.cca.rockwell.com>
- [Editor's note:
- As the author of this hack notes, this hack may have inherent security
- problems, such as the possibility of password capture and the breach of
- your firewall's security inherent in handing out logins to sites outside
- your localnet. This hack is being included more for its hack value than
- its general usefulness. I wouldn't suggest doing this one unless you
- are the netadmin for that network or are on very good terms with him or
- her :-) -- MCD]
- Here's another hack for you to try. This one works, and I'm not sure of
- the security risks yet, but it is amusing.
- It would be nice to be able to get access to my work machine (Sun) from
- home, and vice versa, yet telnet is firewalled at work. Here's a way
- around it.
- For purposes of this explanation I'll give the method for gaining access
- to my work machine from my home Linux machine, with a dial-up PPP
- connection to my ISP and dynamic IP assignment.
- >From home, when I want access to my work machine, I dial-in and fire up
- X, set "xhost +", determine my dynamic IP, and email my dynamic IP to my
- work machine in a mail message with a particular format. On my work
- machine I have a procmail recipe/script setup that parses the body of a
- message whose subject matches a target, say "X-W". If the body of that
- message meets certain requirements then it extracts the IP from the
- message and spawns an xterm with the display directed to my home dynamic
- IP like this:
- xterm -display my.ip.i.sent:0.0 -e login
- Voila! In about 30 secs to a minute, an xterm login shell appears on my
- home machine! I haven't tried going the other direction yet because my
- home machine isn't on full time, but using the other methods of
- determining the dynamic IP from a remote machine it should work the same
- way.
- I'm quite concerned about security issues though and so I've got it
- disabled until I find out more. When the xterm shows up at home it gives
- a login prompt, and Secure Keyboard can be used to avoid capture of the
- password (I'm not sure how secure this feature is in xterm). Still, I'm
- not real sure at this time what the security features of X are. I'm most
- concerned about my xterm popping up on the wrong IP, or to an IP that I
- had before my line connection got dropped just now, though, most users
- are using Windows and the X access request will not succeed.
- Further required security procedures are to encrypt the IP in the email
- message with PGP or common key encryption and to restrict the dynamic
- IPs to a range, though my ISP won't divulge the range of their dynamic
- IPs to me.
- Here's the .procmailrc rule, script file, and sample email message that
- I used to test it (say 111.222.333.444 is the dynamic ip).
- -- rule set in ~/.procmailrc --
- :
- ^Subject: X-W
- | cat | $HOME/scripts/send_xterm
- -- end --
- -- ~/scripts/send_xterm --
- #!/bin/sh
- XX=`cat $1 | grep "^IP: .*" | sed "s/IP: \(.*\)/\1/"`
- XX=`echo $XX | perl -e '$_ = <>; s/[^0123456789.]//g; print'`
- xterm -display $XX -e login &
- -- end --
- -- sample email message --
- To: bpb@my.machine.com
- Subject: X-W
- IP: 111.222.333.444:0.0
- -- end --
- You can try it out on your own machine by mailing it to yourself
- (after you've setup .procmailrc and send_xterm locally of course).
- ________
- 15.0 Hack #14: Dynamic Home Page via CGI
- by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- This hack is similar to hack #11, but differs in method. While hack #11
- involves using ftp access to your ISP's http server to update a page
- containing a link to your new IP, this one accesses a .cgi script on
- your ISP's http server which sets up our new page by itself.
- To use this script you'll have to convince your ISP's sysadmin to put
- this CGI on their http server. It is not unreasonable for them to charge
- you money to check the script for security since it takes them time and
- is a bit of insurance for the risk of them putting it on the server in
- the first place (although I'll try my best to make this one 'secure').
- For example, my ISP (lightspeed.net) charges $50 per script to check it.
- ***Warning*** Not only is this script new and (largely) untested, but
- I'm writing it at 02:52 PDT to avoid doing my Philosophy mid-term. If
- you don't know anything about CGI and how to make it secure, then I'd
- suggest you wait until any bugs are worked out before you try foisting
- this upon a poor sysadmin.
- ***Note***
- Well, it's been two months since I wrote that warning and I've heard
- nothing about the security of this CGI, for or against. Either it
- *is* secure and nobody has let me know, or nobody uses it :-) Either
- way, I still urge caution.
- Section 15.1: Overview of what we'll try to do.
- Basically, all you'll need to do is take the following script and do
- a little interpretation in filling in the values.
- In the script we'll try to do the following:
- * Parse a newip= parameter, making sure it is a legitimate IP
- * Parse a password= parameter as a *very* loose security to make sure
- some hoodlums can't easily screw with your script to fill in their own
- IP values (Note: I know this won't be 100% foolproof but the
- ramifications if it fail shouldn't be *too* bad, and at least a
- failure should be non-destructive and there will be server logs noting
- who the perpitrator is).
- * Check the cgi's $REMOTE_HOST and $REMOTE_ADDR environment variables
- against your domain name to make sure that it's at least a local
- request.
- * Finally, if everything checks out, set up the page.
- Section 15.2: The script (dynip.pl)
- #!/usr/bin/perl
- # Written by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- # Suggestions very welcome
- require 5; # Require perl5
- use CGI; # This is the CGI.pm module, available at CPAN sites everywhere like
- # <URL:ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/perl/CPAN/modules/by-module/CGI>
- # Fill in these values
- $givendomain = "domain.net"; # Put in your ISP's domain name
- # (Actually the last two parts of
- # the domain, although this can
- # be changed below at the split())
- $givenpassword = "potrzebie"; # Fill in a password to use
- $filename = "/some/path/to/my/index.html"; # Get your sysadmin to fill this
- # in (User's page to update).
- # Note to sysadmin: the file
- # indicated will have to give
- # write perms to the userid of
- # httpd, unless you use Apache's
- # suid method or something (not
- # recommended)
- # The followings deal with IP numbers using the scheme aaa.bbb.ccc.ddd
- $higha = "255"; # Fill in the highest range of the aaa part of your
- # ISP's IP block.
- $lowa = "0"; # Same for the low range of the aaa part. Probably the
- # same as $higha since most ISP's don't span more than one
- # class A network :-)
- $highb = "255"; # Fill in the highest range for bbb
- $lowb = "0"; # Lowest range for bbb
- $highc = "255"; # You get the point.
- $lowc = "0"; #
- $highd = "255"; #
- $lowd = "0"; #
- # link $query to the cgi.pm module
- $query = new CGI;
- # $newip is our new IP via the newip variable
- $newip = $query->param("newip");
- # $trypassword is the tentative password to check against $givenpassword
- $trypassword = $query->param("password");
- # $hostname is the name of the host this is coming from to check against
- # $givendomain
- $hostname = $query->remote_host;
- # Check the password first of all
- unless ("$trypassword" eq "$givenpassword") {
- print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
- print "Sorry, wrong password\n";
- exit;
- }
- # Break up the IP into @IP
- # substitute out any non-numerics except for '.'
- # splice() it to take out anything after the first dotted quad
- # (How did that get there?? Anyways, I'm trying to take as few
- # chances against crackability as possible).
- $newip =~ s/[^\d\.]//g;
- @IP = split /\./, $newip;
- splice(@IP, 4);
- # Check the IP to make sure it's within bounds
- unless (($lowa <= $IP[0]) &&
- ($lowb <= $IP[1]) &&
- ($lowc <= $IP[2]) &&
- ($lowd <= $IP[3]) &&
- ($higha >= $IP[0]) &&
- ($highb >= $IP[1]) &&
- ($highc >= $IP[2]) &&
- ($highd >= $IP[3])) {
- print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
- print "Sorry, that IP address doesn't seem to be within bounds\n";
- exit;
- }
- # Now let's check the hostname
- # Break it up into parts of @hostnamearray
- @hostnamearray = split /\./, $hostname;
- $dompart2 = pop @hostnamearray;
- $dompart1 = pop @hostnamearray;
- # Check it
- unless (("$dompart1"."\.$dompart2" eq "$givendomain") ||
- ("$hostname" eq "localhost")) {
- # Print an error
- print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
- print "Sorry, you don't seem to have the right domain\n";
- exit;
- }
- # Things seem to check out, let's set up the page
- # Make sure to escape out things like #, \, $, @, %, and '
- open(FILE, ">$filename") ||
- die "dynip.pl cannot open $filename to write: $!";
- flock(FILE, 2);
- # Start html here. $newip is our new IP address.
- print FILE "<html><head><title>Title etc.</title></head>\n\n";
- print FILE "<body><h1>body here</h1><hr>\n";
- print FILE "<p>blah blah blah\n";
- print FILE "<p>And <a href=telnet://$newip>here</a> is a link to my ";
- print FILE "current IP address.\n";
- print FILE "</body></html>\n";
- flock(FILE, 8);
- close(FILE);
- # Send an ok to our accessing program
- print "Content-type: text/plain\n\n";
- print "Setup was successful\n";
- # End
- Section 15.3: Accessing the CGI when our link goes up
- Now all we do is access it with lynx in our /etc/ppp/ip-up.
- The following line should do it, using the /etc/ppp/ip-up usage of
- $4 for the new IP value:
- lynx -dump \
- 'http://www.ispserver.net/cgi-bin/dynip.pl?newip=$4&password=potrzebie' \
- >> /etc/ppp/lynxlog
- Put the password you chose in the place of 'potrzebie', of course. And
- be sure to chmod 700 /etc/ppp/ip-up when you're done, now that it has
- sensitive information in it.
- (BTW, the \'s are just used so that I can fit the command under 80 columns.
- what they do is escape out the newline so that it is considered one command)
- Also be sure to periodically reduce /etc/ppp/lynxlog as it will grow to
- be somewhat big after a while :-)
- There you go...hopefully you're done!
- ________
- 16.0 Hack #15: Suggestion for rc.*
- by Jeremy D. Impson <jdimpson@camelot.syr.edu>
- written by Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- Previously, this HowTo had various bits of instruction scattered
- throughout which basically copied various parts of /etc/ppp/ip-down in
- the rc.* files, to be run in case of a crash of the system while the PPP
- connection was still up. Jeremy mailed me with the suggestion of simply
- running the /etc/ppp/ip-down file itself at bootup, instead of tediously
- adding most of it bit by bit to the rc.* files. Therefore, providing
- that the commands in /etc/ppp/ip-down make sense at bootup and don't
- rely on options passed by pppd (if the latter is true, you can always
- hack up a fake command line), you can simply add the following to the rc
- file of your choice:
- # Run /etc/ppp/ip-down if pppd wasn't shut down cleanly
- if [ -f /var/run/ppp?.pid ]; then
- /etc/ppp/ip-down
- fi
- Words from Jeremy: This little trick won't be relevant in every
- situation, but it is in mine, and I thought maybe you'd appreciate it.
- Thanks Jeremy!
- ________
- 17.0 Hack #16: Defeating local and ISP-imposed timeouts with ping
- by Artur Skawina <skawina@usa.net>
- [Editors note: As Artur notes, this one can be taken too far and
- can really have an impact on your ISP if they are short on lines
- or something. If you do this, and your ISP pointedly asks you
- to knock it off, then you should seriously consider shelling out
- the extra money for a dedicated modem on their side or something,
- which will often get you a dedicated IP anyways, thus making this
- HowTo moot :-) -- MCD]
- In order to keep a dialup connection open it is sometimes necessary to
- ensure that the link is not idle for long periods of time. Some ISP's
- automatically disconnect a link if there's no traffic, and many modems
- also have the ability to terminate an idle connection. While it is easy
- to alter the local modem settings, it may be impossible to convince your
- ISP to do the same (they may not like people using their resources for
- 24h/day).
- The solution? Add the following line to the ip-up script:
- ping <some_host> -i 180 &
- where <some_host> can be your ISP's main DNS, terminal server etc.
- To change the modems 'Disconnect Inactivity Timer' you have to check the
- modems manual. For example on CirrusLogic chipset based modems it can be
- ATS90=0
- ________
- 18.0 Hack #17: Using SSI's for dynamic IP publishing
- by Dale Jolliff <taftbbs@e-tex.com>
- This isn't specifically for Linux, but for anything, and you don't have
- to worry about changing anything. It does require that your ISP allow
- Server Side Includes in your home page.
- Here's what's visible at
- <URL:http://www.e-tex.com/personal/taftbbs/onlinecheck.shtml>.
- Check it out ... ;>
- You have to know a couple of things about your ISP --
- The name (or IP#) of the router that you dial into
- The "gateway" and your own "userid"
- you can get this in Linux from the "ifconfig" command, it's the
- IP# there that isn't your machine.... for Windows lusers Trumpet
- Winsock has a "default gateway", and in Win95, it's in the TCP/IP
- setup area.
- The critical part of this is that your ISP let you have your own "home
- page" -- almost required as a "give away" from small providers these
- days. If they aren't sharp enough to limit SSI and CGI execution, even
- better.... mine allows SSI, but not CGI execution (however, if you can
- do SSI, you can do CGI's.... they just have to be called differently)
- I'm cutting all the extraneous stuff out, and just leaving the critical
- portions to make the thing work here....
- Stick these lines in a SSI page (usually a file that ends in ".shtml"
- for most servers):
- david5.e-tex.com is the router I dial into when I connect to my ISP...
- taftbbs is my userid on thier system...
- this produces a simple one line out put on the page....
- <pre>
- <!--#exec cmd="finger @david5.e-tex.com | grep taftbbs"-->
- </pre>
- <a href="http://<!--#exec cmd="finger @david5.e-tex.com | grep taftbbs |
- cut -c '66-'"-->">Click here to see if you can see anything!</a>
- The line above will produce a link that will display on the page....
- Finger your router, and look at the output. The "cut -c '66" part will be
- dependant upon the make of your router...I have accounts on a couple of
- providers, and they all seem to use different routers, and each one has
- it's own 'format' when you finger them.
- simple explanation of what happens here:
- <a href="http:// <--open a standard HTML reference anchor...
- <!--#exec cmd=" <-- This is a Server Side Include command. This
- means this gets parsed and executed prior to being sent from the server
- to the client -- the client being your browser. So, even if you look at the
- page "source" in your browser, you won't see this, only the output of the
- command about to be executed on the web server at your ISP.
- finger @david5.e-tex.com | grep taftbbs | cut -c '66-'
- This is actually what gets executed. We finger the router, grep for my
- userid, and cut everything out except the IP#, which on my ISP's router
- starts in column 66, and is on the end of the line.... may be radically
- different for other folks.
- "-->
- make sure you close your SSI command properly, or it won't work...
- DO be careful how you use single and double quotes in your
- commands... it's easy to get the thing all messed up, play with it a bit.
- ">Click here to see if you can see anything!</a>
- and of course close the link anchor, and stick in your "clickable" text.
- [end of hacks]
- ________
- Appendix A: We need more hacks!
- If you have a dynamic IP hack that you would like to contribute to this
- HowTo, then let me know. Be warned that if you do so that it will have
- to be covered under the copyright notice in Section 1.7, for reasons of
- CD publishing and whatnot.
- If you {liked this HowTo, didn't like this HowTo, thought this HowTo was
- too confusing, found something in this HowTo that doesn't work and/or is
- just plain wrong, want to send me email, don't want to send me email,
- found a security problem in this HowTo, etc} then please mail me at
- <fenris@lightspeed.net>. I mean it, I really would appreciate *any*
- feedback on this HowTo, even if you just mailed me to say that you read
- it!
- Really! Just e-mail me for anything! I *really do* love getting e-mail!
- Flames will *not* go to /dev/null. I think if you feel that strongly
- about it, I should listen.
- If you write up a chapter for this HowTo not only will you be helping
- the Linux community, but you will receive full credit for your hack,
- your name will go into the credits at the end of this HowTo, you will be
- acknowledged as a contributor in the beginning of this HowTo, your idea
- will be archived with almost every CD Linux distribution in the world,
- you'll be the envy of all of your peers, etc.
- ________
- Appendix B: CREDITS
- (in order of appearance)
- Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>
- is the HowTo maintainer and the author of a few of the hacks.
- Christian G. Warden <cwarden@loop.com>
- helped debug the keepalive.sh script used in hack two, now the thing
- will work in (hopefully) all cases, including those when the connection
- goes down but pppd does not.
- Justin Cragin <beyond@lightspeed.net>
- gave me the idea for hacks two and four, and then got mad when he
- found out I stole them. I also stole the message that my answering
- machine uses from him, so I guess I owe him this one. He also
- recently thought up a nice hack that has become hack ten, so he is now
- thrice credited. And he has now helped think of the idea of hack
- twelve, so he is once again credited. Furrfu. Oh well, I guess I
- owe it to him to make him the new maintainer when I move away to
- CSM this summer and get my stable IP.
- <shadow@indirect.com>
- gave me copies of some real neat scripts of his, see 12.0 for details.
- I seem to have lost his name, hopefully he'll send it to me again :-)
- Ajit Deshpande <adeshpan@ddt.eng.uc.edu>
- wanted to be in the credits.
- Divya Mahajan <vmahajan@giasdl01.vsnl.net.in>
- sent me the info on diald, which should probably end up replacing the
- crontab entry in hack two.
- Ryan Klems <rklems@primenet.com>
- sent me a bunch of his own hacks, see 8.x for details.
- Matthew Driver <mdriver@cfmeu.asn.au>
- gave me a pointer to his page on dynamic DNS entries. Check out
- chapter 9.0 for the URL.
- Matthew Nuckolls <mnuck@umr.edu>
- gave me hack nine, which updates a .plan containing your new IP address
- on a remote server via ftp.
- Scott Johnston <sj@odin.iac.net>
- showed me a better way to set up hack two (took out long and confusing
- crontab entry and put it in script called by cron instead), and gave me
- various other pointers.
- Brad Baker <bpb@mlb.cca.rockwell.com>
- wrote the really neat hack thirteen.
- Christian Hardmeier <101502.1521@CompuServe.COM>
- got me motivated to write hack fourteen.
- Justin (Gus) Hurwitz <hurwitz@dyndns.com>
- let me know about his new service providing dynamic DNS entries for
- hosts with dynamic IP. Check out the pointer in chapter 9.0.
- Tomas Jamate <tvj@miser.umass.edu>
- reminded me about ncftp 2.x.x and was even kind enough to send me his
- own script for inclusion in the HowTo (thanks Tomas!). He goes to
- umass but unfortunately doesn't listen to the Pixies. Oh well.
- Jeremy D. Impson <jdimpson@camelot.syr.edu>
- wrote me the suggestion that turned into hack fifteen.
- Steve Przepiora <gearhead@dreamscape.com>
- wrote hack one, and really got the ball rolling for me with the
- reorganization of this howto that made v2.0.0.
- Whit Blauvelt <whit@transpect.com>
- gets many thanks for giving me lots of feedback on the HowTo, and
- especially for fixing hack one.
- Paul C. Richard <pcricha@cs.concordia.ca>
- also gets thanks for his help fixing up hack one.
- Per Sjoholm <Soile.Kaasila@sth.frontec.se>
- kept me up to date with the new location of the diald home page.
- Bill Duncan <bduncan@beachnet.org>
- also notified me that the diald home page had moved.
- Artur Skawina <skawina@usa.net>
- did a lot, such as hack sixteen, additional material for chapter nine,
- and the new section 12.2.1.
- Scott Dier - DiEMaN <sdier@isd.net>
- also told me about ML.org's dyndns project.
- Dale Jolliff <taftbbs@e-tex.com>
- sent in hack seventeen.
- Bryan Rittmeyer <bryanr@flash.net>
- debugged hack two and mentioned ML.org's dyndns project.
- Marek Kubita <kubitovi@mbox.lantanet.cz>
- fixed a gaping hole in hack thirteen.
- --
- Michael Driscoll <fenris@lightspeed.net>